Sunday, August 22, 2010

Healing with Art

Gosh, it's tough to remain humble when your name is in gigantic letters.

Last Thursday the fabulous staff at the Walkway Gallery, inside Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Ne. put on a lovely reception for my latest exhibit. 

@2010 P Scarborough  "Firefly Evening" 30 x 40 oil

Good Samaritan is dedicated to easing the strain of illness and patient anxiety by creating an atmosphere in which art can play an important part of the healing process. It's an honor to have been selected to exhibit my work in their gallery.

@2010 P Scarborough "Dowager Queen" 9 x 12 oil

Lots of wonderful conversation followed  lovely opening remarks by hospital staff. It was wonderful to be so well taken care of. 

The cookies were even designed to coordinate with the artwork.  Really, that is just too cool.


And huge thanks to my peeps for making the trip over.  What a cool crowd.

"Excerpts" will be hanging in the Walkway Gallery at Good Samaritan Hospital in Kearney, Ne. through November 30th. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patty,

    Congratulations!!! Looks like a fantastic show. Matching cookies too??? Wow. That is so cool.


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