Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another Christmas Letter

We got our first Christmas letter a couple of days ago. It was from J.W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Marriott International, Inc.
No kidding.

I had no idea he knew we stayed at his place.

We’ve gotten others since. You may have gotten them too.  They’re from close friends you haven’t seen in years, slathered with photos of people in matching sweaters smiling out at you. Images of favorite cats and dogs watch you closely, ready to lick the eggnog right off your face.
©2011 Patricia Scarborough  5pm Early December  8x10 oil
In a few letters we’ve gotten over the years, the animals actually do the speaking.  Who knew they watched their owners so closely? Imagine what they could accomplish if they had opposable thumbs. That’d be something Mr. Marriott would find interesting. Maybe he’d give them a free room.

This is my holiday letter to you. Don’t worry, I’ll keep it short.

Thank you.  Thanks for buying art; my art, any art. And for reading my blog, and for liking me on facebook. 
Thanks for listening to me try to figure out what I was doing.  Creating is necessarily a singular activity, which means artists are alone a lot. It’s helpful to bounce ideas off others for a fresh perspective. Thanks for putting up with my bragging, complaining, whining and poking fun. You've been very kind.

©2010 Patricia Scarborough 12x12 pastel Winter Corn Rows, from the Square Mile Series

It’s been a good year.   HH and I have had some fun and put a lot of miles on the car. I’ve participated in exhibits in Lincoln, Norfolk, Grand Island and Kearney. I’ve done some good work, even took Best of Show honors.  I've also painted some stinkers but I’m still here, and I’ll be here next year keeping at it.

Happy Holidays to you, Dear Reader.  How was your year?

1 comment:

  1. Patty--I love the easy going way you have with words--particularly how you describe the honors right along with the stinkers!

    My year has been full--(the good kind of full)--and feels pregnant with possibility for the year to come...all sorts of art waiting in the wings...


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