Sunday, February 12, 2012

Land Mark Event

Greetings Dear Reader-

The countdown has begun.

What seems like an eternity ago, I was selected to be the Featured Artist at Wings Over the Platte, a juried art exhibit and sale at Stuhr Museum in Grand Island, Nebraska, dedicated to sharing the wildlife and rich environs of the Platte River which threads its way through Nebraska.

©2011 Patricia Scarborough  Windswept  9x12 pastel

So, right off the bat, let me tell you that my pastel painting, "Windswept", was selected to be a part of the juried exhibit. Additionally I will be sharing over 30 paintings in my featured show, "Land Marks".  Pretty heady stuff.

Thanks to the good folks at for the photograph
The Platte is a particulary beautiful river, "one mile wide and one mile deep", so we Nebraskan's say. Then we wink and add with a smile, "it's just that it's filled with sand".  Currents of the river braid themselves through and around rich agricultural land, providing water and food for an amazing array of wildlife.  Literally millions of birds will settle for several weeks in the safety of shallow water on their migratory journey, saving strength and gaining reserves for the long trek home.

Especially fascinating are the Sandhill cranes.  Numbering in the hundreds of thousands, these magnificent birds fill the air with their strange trumpeting, and delight viewers with their amazing dance moves.  Many sites up and down the river celebrate their return, including Stuhr Museum.

In just a few more days "Wings Over the Platte", and my exhibit, "Land Marks", will open to the public.  I have spent the last year painting with this day in mind. Ready or not, here I go.

Just for fun, here are some tidbits to tempt you.

©2011 Patricia Scarborough  Broken Tree Line 9x12 pastel 

 ©2011 Patricia Scarborough  Early Morning Spring 6x9 pastel

©2011 Patricia Scarborough  Platte River Recharge  9x12 oil
"Land Marks", and "Wings Over the Platte" open with a reception and chocolate bar for Stuhr members this Thursday, February 16th from 6 - 8 pm.    Another reception open to the public will be held on the last day of the show, Sunday April 1st from 2-4:00 pm.

Please come say hello!

The good folks at Stuhr are also working with Nebraska Nature Center to host other crane watching activities and art-related events. I've got the details listed in the side bar.  Special thanks to Nebraska Arts Council for helping to fund these activities. 

Stuhr hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, 12:00 to 5:00 pm on Sunday.

Grab a jacket, your binoculars and camera, and come on out to central Nebraska and witness one of nature's great events, then take a break and stop by Stuhr Museum to see how artists respond. 

See you on the river!

(Next week I'll be posting late. It's going to be a fun-filled, bizzy bizzy weekend, but I really really want to post photos of the chocolate bar and opening reception. Look for my post on Tuesday!)


  1. ooh how i love hearing your voice in winter !!!!!

  2. You are too kind, Sooz. Come watch cranes with me!

  3. You go girl!! Congratulations on the opening!

  4. Hey Kris! We got a sneak peek today, it looks great.

  5. Patty--these landscapes are both delicate and lush at the same time... Congrats on the show and may the wide wings of the sandhill crane bless your show!


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