Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Land Marks and other Events

What a weekend!

As you recall, the festivities began with the opening reception for the “Wings Over the Platte” Juried Exhibition and Sale, and my Featured Artist Exhibit, “Land Marks”.

Stuhr Museum knows how to treat a crowd. Chocolate was flowing, roses were given out and the exhibit was beautifully hung.  Congratulations to those artists who won awards at the "Wings" exhibit.  There was so much beautiful art expressing a deep appreciation of the Platte River and the wildlife that inhabits this area.

Thanks to all the patrons who came out to greet me and purchase paintings. I’m still grinning like a nut. 

A sampling of the evening ...

The central display room of the Stuhr Building is elegant.  The "Wings Over the Platte" exhibit is hung in this room.

Just in case you weren't sure where you were ...

A few quiet moments before the crowds rolled in...

 Sharing a laugh with fellow artists Sheila and Jane...

crowds were substantial, and very appreciative...

Huge thanks to Lynn, good friend and reception photographer...

Four paintings so far have found new homes with lovely people. I can’t tell you how really happy I am about that. Knowing my work is appreciated and will be taken care of means a lot.

In addition to reveling in friendships new and old at Stuhr, I enjoyed a quick trip out to San Francisco to share in a wedding celebration between two very wonderful people.

I was a tourist of the first order, going so far as to make a dash out on the beach to stick my hand in the ocean despite chilly 45 mph winds and a raging surf. I may have even made squealing sounds as the tide rushed in and I rushed away to avoid getting soaked. I walked around with my neck craned and my mouth wide open absolutely enjoying every aspect of our tour of the city.
So, that was my weekend. What did you do?


  1. Ooooh, you noticed! Created by the lovely Jane, whose is pictured with me. Loads of lucky San Franciscans got to see it too.

  2. So nice to connect with a long lost sister!

  3. The Land Marks exhibit was amazing! You worked very hard and it was so nice to see it in person! Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment!

  4. Hey Mari! So good to see you too. Best weekend ever.

  5. Sheila, you're the best.Thank you so much for being there! Congrats on your success as well!

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos, Patty! Congrats on your show and sales!

    I do just what you do, when I am near the ocean. Love that.

  7. Last weekend? Man, I don't even remember now! This weekend I'm just chillin'. You know....spend a few minutes doing something productive, spend a few more minutes doing something fun. This is the fun part. ;-) Don't know how I missed this, but it sounds like you had a great time, and I'm happy for you!

    We went to San Francisco, but we were in a truck. Had some fun at the Wharf. Didn't stick my hand in the bay, though.


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