In the immortal words of my Handsome Husband, "Honey, I'm Hooooooome!"
As you know, I took the month of August away from this blog. It was lovely and a little wicked feeling to purposefully not post something weekly after having done so for four years.
I won't be jumping back in with both feet just yet. I've been having some major computer issues lately that have stymied the experts (yeah, I'm talking about you, computer guy). I'm typing this on my ancient desk top which is groaning under the weight of the simple tasks I am requesting. As this moment it is all I can manage to get Great-Grandma Dell here to create letters on the screen. Argh. Images? Out of the question.
There are some items of interest I'd like you to know about. I'll be attempting to post on my facebook page at if the computer fairies will allow it. There's some cool stuff happening.
Hopefully I'll be back here next week, although I'm learning that in the wild world of computer technology there are few assurances (yeah, I'm talking to you, computer guy).
Here's hoping for a fresh start next week...
Welcome home to you, Cathyann! I trust your time away was fulfilling. It shouldn't be much longer...famous last words...