Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day Trips - Abundance

©2013 Patricia Scarborough  Abundance 12 x 12 oil
We've had some fantastic rains here lately. Also some tornadoes, high winds, a little hail, but let's not dwell on that.

This is one of my favorite places to check when I drive west out of town. Across the county line, in a field of tall wavy grass, there is a shallow puddle, a sliver in the grass that reflects the blue sky. 

After our recent downpours  the pond filled beyond capacity, overflowing into the old creek bed.  The entire field felt swollen with abundance and anticipation. And sky.

This will be part of my Day Trips exhibit at The Burkholder Project in Lincoln, Ne.,with ceramic artist Sharon Ohmberger, opening July 5th.  Consider yourself invited.


  1. I can't wait to see this with my pottery pieces!!

  2. Looking forward to seeing the show all together!! This is lovely.

  3. Thank you Sharon Ohmberger, ceramic artist extraordinaire!! And you, Sharon T, woman of mystery... ; )


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