Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spirit at the Museum

It's been an amazing busy weekend, and about all the energy I've got left is to poke the 'upload' button to share some photos with you.

Every couple of years the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney, Nebraska (where else?) hosts a very classy fundraising event.

Over 50 artists from Nebraska are invited to participate by making a few pieces of their artwork available through either a silent or public auction.  Two things make this event pretty great. The first is that at least half of the invited artists are women, thankyew very much, and the other is that the artist is offered a respectable percent of the final price.  This puts the Museum of Nebraska Art in the forefront of classy fundraising events.

A few highlights of the weekend:

The museum itself was decked out beautifully

A gourmet dinner was provided in the big tent outside.
Handsome Husband and I clean up pretty good in anticipation of the evening's event.

Cherry County pastel Sold!

Rumble, 30x30 oil Sold!
Proceeds will help continue the great work of this gem of the plains. Do I have to tell you how proud and delighted I am to be a part of such an event?

Huge thanks and appreciation to the entire staff of the museum. It must have taken many dozens of dedicated people to keep track of the millions of details required to keep the evening running smoothly. Every one of them was kind, patient and very helpful.

Here's to the next two years of magnificent exhibits and outreach from the Museum of Nebraska Art.

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