Sunday, June 26, 2011

Your Weekend Calendar

On my calendar this week – and hopefully yours as well:
You’re invited to a fresh new exhibit of oils and pastels opening Friday, July 1st at The Burkholder Project in Lincoln, Ne.  This collection of paintings is titled “A Larger View” and reflects my travels up and down the gravel roads of south central Nebraska. 
©2011 Patricia Scarborough  Summer River 9x18 oil 
 Joining me in the Outback Gallery will be metal artist Mary Kolar.  Her creations are beautiful and delightfully quirky.  Take a break from lighting sparklers and lady fingers, and join Lincoln for the First Friday Art Walk in the Haymarket District.  The Burkholder will be open from 7:00pm to 9:00 just for you.
The town we’ve called home for the last long while will be hosting a good old fashioned Independence Day celebration called "Discover Geneva-Patriotism"  starting on Saturday, July 2nd. 

Join us in the shade of the Fillmore County Courthouse lawn in Geneva, Nebraska on Saturday, July 2nd from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm for Art on the Green.  We’ve got a great line-up of artists and artisans who will be glad to visit with you about their work.  You’ll see an amazing array of art, including: Nancy Fairbanks - ceramics;  Leroy Von Glan – ceramics; Diane Beir – melted glasswork; Pixybug Designs – lampwork and jewelry; Helen Waring Johnson – photography; and painters in an interesting collection of styles and media including Susan deWit, Suzann Johnson, Jean Cook, Janet Butler, Carrie Marx and myself.  Keep your fingers crossed for blue skies and cool temps.

In addition to our Art on the Green, the Courthouse Square will be abuzz with lots of activities for you and your family including quilt shows, inflatables for the kids, a dog show, lots to eat and tons more throughout the entire weekend. 
Stop by and say hello!


  1. Good luck with your fourth of July weekend, Patty. I will be there in spirit. xo

  2. Great painting of that river! I like the details on the trees as well as the water. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. PT&T, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your kind comments. Have a great holiday weekend!


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