Sunday, July 3, 2011

Weekend Whirlwind

Last week I promised you a busy weekend of art activities, and I'm a woman of my word. 

My weekend in pictures:

That's me, posing for the obligatory Reception Photo at The Burkholder Project, with a surprise last second appearance by one Fine Young Man. (I mean that. How he managed to skid to a stop before bowling me over was impressive.) Friday night was the opening for my exhibit, A Larger View

This exhibit is comprised of paintings from south central Nebraska, a bit of a change from last month's exhibit at LUX Center for the Arts, which was made up of paintings created from one small private property. 

Creating two bodies of work in a short time is challenging and exciting, and opening receptions are a great opportunity to visit with folks about how that happens and what it takes.  The Burkholder Project always draws a terrific crowd of art loving people. 

Then it was dash home Friday night for a few hours of sleep before setting up Art on the Green, part of our community's Independence Day celebration. 

After a few rumbles of thunder during the night, the morning dawned cool and clear. Our weather was heaven for artists who plan on spending the day under their awnings sharing their talents with the public.

Of course I got great pix of Chris Haussler wowing the crowd with his lampwork beading, and neglected to take photos of my own booth. I was there, I promise.

I'm delighted and grateful to know artists like Jim & Janet Butler, Sally Jurgensmier, Jean Cook, Barb Dedrickson, Dianne Brei,Chris & Steph Haussler, Nancy Fairbanks, Helen Johnson and Suzann Johnson and Carrie Marx.  I'm especially grateful to Handsome Husband, who is always there for me and keeps me on track.

It's been a busy week. My goal today is to lift nothing heavier than a glass of lemonade.

Eddie, winner of the Happy Hounds Contest, and I wish you a safe, enjoyable Independence Day celebration.


  1. My goodness--you've been busy--and you look every inch the elegant painter at your reception. (And isn't it great when those young men suddenly burst onto the scene!)Your work also looks elegant hung against the taupe ground--a great way to show off your landscapes. Congratulations--and happy lemonade sipping!

  2. You have been so busy, Patty! You deserve a break. Here's to your success!


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