In starting a painting recently, I heard myself say:
looking for…a particular color for this spot…a warm tone, but not too warm…maybe
a cooler version of warm…looking for a purple, but not quite a purple…warmer than that…
Too orange for violet - |
same stick of pastel, too violet for orange |
I'm looking for purange!
Those Francophiles among you might pronounce it puhr-ahnj.
"Purange" is what I'm calling that mysterious stick of pastel I grabbed to indicate "road" in this piece. The name will have to do; over time the paper wrapping has fallen off - that would be the wrapping that indicates manufacturer, pigment and other helpful tidbits that are useful for identifying and reordering.
Gee what a good idea to have all that information right at my fingertips! |
"First Light", the painting I created using purange, is nearly done. It may indeed be one of a kind, the identity of that pastel stick used to create that gorgeous orangey purple area toward the bottom of the road that I find so lovely is unkown.
Unknown. Not violet, not orange. In the middle. Unknowable. Once that stick is's gone.