Before I forget (again), you're invited to my solo exhibition titled "One Square Mile" at The Burkholder Project in Lincoln, Ne. It's a collection of paintings based on a single square mile north of my town. I'm pretty pleased with the work, and I think you will be as well. Come hang out with me Friday, March 5th from 7-9 pm for the opening reception.

@ 2010 P Scarborough, Sunflowers, 12x12 oil

@2010 P Scarborough Platte River Spring 11 x 14 Pastel
W o w.
Gosh, don't you think I should do something really cool to mark this occasion?
In two weeks, I will post my 100th missive. To tempt you to attend the party, I'm gonna give away treats.
If you, Dear Reader, post a comment, any comment, I'll put your name into my special hat. On the evening of my 100th post, I'll draw a name from said special hat. The owner of said name shall become the new owner of a painting by ... drum roll please ... Patricia Scarborough herself!!
It'll be an oil. Probably 5x7, or 8x10-ish. Probably pretty wonderful, no doubt.
So, I'll see you Friday night? And I look forward to hearing from you soon.
hmmm....I wonder how many different names I can register with...
This is exciting!
I found another almost blue cow painter today:
Hiya! I plan on coming down to your reception on Friday. Can't wait to see more of your works in person!
I completely missed the part where you won the Best of Show award at the Stuhr Museum. FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations!
I need to get up to Grand Island sometime. My Swedish great grandparents landed there and in Stromsburg before moving on to Colorado.
Congrats on your award and congrats on 100 Patty! Love those sunflowers, very Picasso-esque.
LOL - meant to say "Van Gogh-esque" Picasso would have put their noses sideways. : )
I will be there in spirit, Patty. You know I will.
Congrats on the best of show, by the way! You've earned it.
Congratuations on your solo exhibition starting this week! I wish I could come to the reception, because I know it is going to be a wonderful time!
And congratulations also on your "Best of Show" award.
You are having such a good year! Way to go! - Mavis
Congrats on your Best of Show, and the Burkholder show, and also your 100th post! Don't forget to get more painting done...LOL... Way to Go Lady! Jean
Congratulations!!! You deserve it. Your work is so lush and wonderful :)
Hope to get together soon.
Awwwww you sweeties. Thank you so much for your support. I love you all!!
And Nancy, call me anything, just don't call me late for dinner!
Patricia, I came across your blog as I finished up an entry on my art blog. I am a pastelist and my work can be seen on my blog I just finished a weekend workshop for pastelists this past weekend and it is interesting to talk your way thru a painting to a group instead of working thru the painting in the privacy of your own brain! I have done quite a few workshops, but each is different and I look forward to them.
Have you come across Very comprehensive website for pastel people.I am adding you to my blog list and maybe you will take a look at my site as well. I live the SE part of WA state...a lot of your landscape is similar to parts of NE unlike the wet Pacific NW of the Seattle area. Happy painting...I like your work...
Bonnie Griffith
Thanks for stopping by, Bonnie. Hope to see you often!
It's been quite enjoyable following your work at this blog! Keep up the great work!
Love those sunflowers !
Pat xx
Chase!! So nice to hear from you. I'm honored to know you've been keeping track of me.
Pat, They make me smile too. It's like having my own little patch of sunshine.
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