It’s nearly time to sweep the year 2013 out the door and welcome 2014 with open arms.
2013 Patricia Scarborough San Gabriel Trail Head The last painting of 2013. |
Resolutions feel so…resolute. There is is dogged determination, obstinacy and self-assuredness. There is fortitude, grit and pluck and motivation, all of which sound like exhortations plastered on the walls of a fitness center. Which, by the way, is where many resolutions go to die.
I’m a believer in Christine Kane’s Word Of The Year plan. In 2006 she wrote about choosing a single word that you could hold in your heart and use as a guide throughout the year. She called it a Resolution Revolution.
In a nutshell, by choosing a single word as a guide for the next 365 days, you give yourself room to grow rather than a pass/fail box to check off.
Several years ago I chose ‘engage’ as my word of the year. Consider the difference between this word and a resolution:
Resolution - I will spend 6 hours in my studio.
Engage - I will engage in my studio space.
4 hours,27minutes... |
I didn’t achieve engagement; there was no little plastic trophy or floppy rosette to set on a shelf.
Best Engagement Achiever? |
27 more to go...can't do it...Mommmmy... |
How about you? Are you going to check off a box? Or are you going to fill your entire year with a fresh kind of motivation?